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CNG digital switch

Code : GNC2

Poduct comment::«Very good product, buy the CNG digital key AND THE TAU (TEMPERATURE METER) EXCELLENT, ACCURATE AND EASY TO INSTALL(Martin (Google))»
Status : Discontinued
This product is discontinued, if you need some like this, please contact us

CNG digital switch

This product is a revolution for CNG world.
Is a fuel switch for vehicles working at CNG.
The strong feature of this product is measure the pressure of tube in Bars.
With at least 10 more extra function make the best CNG product, the customers recommend one to another mouth to mouth.

Despite having so many functions, it is EASY to use, which is very important.
Built entirely of solid state, which means it has no moving parts or wear. That makes it easier to provide a 2 year warranty.

There are 2 variants with differents functions:
-Green digit switch ( the most economic)
-Red digit switch ( more functions )

Product History

At the beginning of the year 2001, product of the need to know with greater precision the residual load, in the truck of the company. And seeing that the existing market did not provide, nor what was required, nor quality products, we decided to face the solution.

We take advantage of the great experience of the company in developments in the automotive field, and that's how the project began to take shape.

We began to survey the needs of both users and installers.
So it was that we took note of all requirements, requirements, functions, needs.

It was not until October 2001 that the prototype came to light. Ugly as all the prototypes, but functional 100% since the idea was to test the stability of the circuit.

Among its functions were:

-TOTALLY digital
-Carburetor and injection in a single switch
-2 buttons (which would then be changed by 3)

Recently in 2004 it takes commercial form, after 3 years of continuous use without damage.
It was fleeting the step of model A, model that never got to see the street due to change of supplier of the digits.
In spite of everything it served as a "test pilot" for RPM measurement and other details to improve the operation in injection mode

-Colors colors "STANDARD " regarding competitors
-Improved change in automatic mode (INJECTION)
-Incorporation of the 3 current buttons

So we get to model B, new digits, same essence. We took advantage of the fact that we had to make modifications to hire a designer (www.sumad.com) to give him the aesthetics that the product needed.
This new model posed new challenges, taking a while of excessive armed by switch.
In spite of the economical nature of the project (due to the assembly time), it went out as a model 401 and 401.3 in 2005, and it was defined as firm the aesthetics that preserved until today

-Brillo extra to the digits.
- Reduced main connector and incorporated to the switch
-Calibration by software

As everything has its evolution, we arrived at the C model, with important improvements and bigger assembly simplifications. The measurement accuracy was improved, more stability was achieved in the measurement. Greater protection against electrical noise and greater robustness of the system.
Likewise, the configurations began to be saved in duplicate with verification sum, to avoid that a possible electrical noise corrupted the configuration.
This model C is what was seen as 301.4 , 301.5 , 301.6 , 301.7 and after 2 years of sales has proven to be as solid as a rock

So we have added many functions, most at the customer's request

-Change to decelerating gas (automatic mode in injection vehicles)
-Change when the gas runs out
-Bar or Percentage
-Gloss Control
-Primer blue model

The model D arrived in 2008, models 301.8 and 301.9 , while the nucleus of its predecessor remains intact, it has soft adjustments and adaptations for new functions. Like the voltmeter that is today a reality in the blue model.
Where else has worked here is within the manometer to improve the accuracy.
An exclusive process control software was also inaugurated where, through clear procedure manuals, the quality of the product has been improved

In 2009, thanks to customer orders, the color red appeared.

- Improved RPM
-Voltage measurement (only blue switch)
- Improved BAR improvement
-Calibration with the engine stopped
-Design of the software, preparing it for future functions
-Digitos rojas

In 2009, the printed circuit E revision came out.
Always with the objective of minimizing the hours of assembly having exactly the same
circuit than its predecessor. So much so that I do not need any soft reform.
In spite of NOT BEING NECESSARY we continue innovating, and the model 301.9 came out. One of the great evils of the GNC user, is to neglect the operation to nafta. Therefore they were added
The following functions:

-Adjustable time of intelligent change in carburets (in red and blue models)
-Injection protection time (in red and blue models)
-Improvement of the internal self-test

We believed that we had reached the maximum that a simple GNC switch can offer and fortunately
We were wrong: There was still more to do. And left the 301.10 (many believed that the 302 hehehe was coming)
Through comments from customers, they commented on 2 items:
1) After calibrating the switch is in gas mode, and if the vehicle is injection is usually used in automatic mode,
clear that pressing the central button (automatic) went to nafta waiting for a new change by RPM
Obviously it was a MINIMUM detail but detail to improve, and it was done. TODAY when pressing the automatic button if it was on gas,
continues in gas until the engine shuts down (it will start in automatic mode, that is to say it starts at naphtha and changes only to gas)
2) A workshop, we asked as a condition of purchase if you could disable the change in deceleration.
(which could always be done at least in our products)
Manifest that it bothered him that some engines were shut off since the change was made when the car's RPM
They were below one level.
This is how NO-STOP was born, an advanced technique that EARLY detects deceleration,
with only 200 RPM less than the maximum reached is enough to be detected and make the change
With this reform the change is absolutely imperceptible, and we can assure that NI ACCOUNT IS given that change of fuel

2012 brought the new revision of the printed circuit, the biggest rework in 4 years. Due to the discontinuance by Toshiba of a line of transistors, we have migrated and simplified the printed circuit, all without altering the quality that was always our logo.
Especially the assembly of the front was simplified, a point that was still the most difficult since revision B, until revision E.

In functions to the user we have not fallen asleep and from the model 301.12 we have incorporated the lambda probe measurement in the blue keys.
The red switch now incorporates voltimetro
While the green digit switch remains unchanged
After half of the year 2012 and after 7 years we achieved the happy homologation
Thanks to the people of Contegas and Qualicontrol
Time passes, and the switch progresses, EVEN MORE! In 2013 a limited series of keys with white digits was launched, and to make a perfect contrast, a black front and a black shell were used.
The changes go beyond the color since with the release of the version 301.13 the following functions were added:
-5th generation
- Gas pump pump (thinking about a future function)
- Adjustable priming time (read in comments about our products on the internet)

The model 301.14 is functionally equal to 301.13, but with an anti-noise protection


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